About the Equity & Inclusion Office
The Equity & Inclusion Office (E & I Office) is an interdepartmental committee that advises, develops and supports the Municipality’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. The E & I Office will identify systemic barriers to the Municipal workplace, programs and services and recommend, develop, and implement actions to address these barriers. The E & I Office will consult with, receive advisement from, and work collaboratively with the council appointed committees and community groups. The work is supported by a dedicated Program Manager and existing staff from various departments.
Connect with the E & I Office at inclusion@rmwb.ca.
Wood Buffalo Workplace Inclusion Charter - Building an equitable workplace for all
As one of the most diverse regions in Canada, Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo is home to residents of diverse ethnicities, religions, gender identities and gender expressions, sexual orientations, disabilities and socioeconomic statuses. This is reflected in the workplace, making it necessary for businesses and industry to ensure that inclusive and equitable policies and procedures are in place to support employees and clients alike, and that the environment is safe and accessible for all.
Inclusive and equitable policies and procedures are a win for businesses too! Research consistently indicates that inclusive and equitable businesses perform better in terms of innovation, retention, productivity and customer experience.
Learn more about the Wood Buffalo Workplace Inclusion Charter.
Employee Census
The Municipality engaged the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion, a third-party charitable organization, to conduct an Employee Census as an online diversity and inclusion survey of Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo staff. The survey was available between November 17 – December 4, 2020. To see the results, and how the organization is responding, please visit the Employee Census page.
Advancing the Work
The Regional Advisory Committee on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (RACIDE) is a council-appointed committee which advises Council on issues related to inclusion, diversity, and equity.
The committee consists of members of the public who have in-depth knowledge and skills related to human rights, equity, and inclusion including lived and living experience of racism and discrimination. RACIDE works closely with Administration to support the municipality's commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive community for all.
Diversity & Inclusion Community Plan
The Diversity & Inclusion Community Plan 2017-2022 sets out the priorities as identified by the community and suggests actions for government, businesses, social profit organizations, and individuals. This Plan builds on the Diversity Plan 2012-2015 and other ongoing projects in the community that address equity and inclusion. The Plan is currently coming to a close, however, the work will be ongoing as the Municipality launches the Equity & Inclusion Office, continues to receive advisement from RACIDE, and undertakes the formation of an equity and inclusion framework.
Learn more about the Diversity & Inclusion Community Plan
Quiet Rooms
To support the needs of our increasingly diverse employees, the RMWB has quiet rooms available in several municipal buildings. These quiet rooms support the diverse faith and spiritual needs of our staff, visitors, and community. The quiet rooms are designated for contemplation, prayer, reflection, and meditation. The RMWB recognizes that prayer and meditation are often an important part of many religious and spiritual traditions as well as the importance of contemplation and reflection for all including those with non-religious or non-spiritual beliefs. Quiet rooms provide an environment where people can alleviate stress and emotional situations and contributes to improved health and wellness for staff and visitors alike.
Quiet Room Locations:
- Jubilee Building - 1st floor (available to public visitors)
- South Operations Centre- Room 121
- Firehall 5 – Room 234
- Water Treatment Plant – Room 407
Gender Neutral Washrooms
Gender-inclusive washrooms aim to support gender diverse employees, guests, and residents of Wood Buffalo, parents with young children, people with disabilities that require assistance from an attendant of a different gender, people with chronic illness, and people who require added privacy for a variety of reasons. These inclusive washrooms allow individuals to have a safe and accessible facility to use and the option of using a washroom that best corresponds with their gender identity or gender expression.
Everyone needs a washroom and providing safe and accessible washrooms are important. Gender inclusive washrooms are safe spaces where anyone, regardless of gender identity or gender expression can use. Such washrooms may decrease anxiety and fear when using facilities and there is less chance of harassment or assault which is often the reality for transgender individuals.
Individuals have the right to use the washroom facilities that best correspond with their gender identity or gender expression, and the availability of these facilities in Wood Buffalo will continue to expand, with new locations coming soon.